Home » Read out of meeting between President Michel of the European Council and President Zourabichvili of Georgia, 1 September 2023
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Read out of meeting between President Michel of the European Council and President Zourabichvili of Georgia, 1 September 2023

epa10662834 European Council President Charles Michel (R) welcomes Georgia's President Salome Zourabichvili (L) prior to a meeting in Brussels, Belgium, 30 May 2023. EPA-EFE/OLIVIER HOSLET

President Michel had a meeting with President Zourabichvili of Georgia on 1 September 2023 in Brussels.

The leaders discussed EU-Georgia relations as well as broader developments in the region and the consequence of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine for Georgia and the South Caucasus.

President Michel highlighted the European Council’s decision to grant Georgia the European perspective as a historic opportunity which is not to be missed.

He reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to support Georgia in advancing on its European path. He equally highlighted the need for the country to further deepen the necessary reforms notably  in the areas of justice, deoligarchisation and anti-corruption and media pluralism which are now essential; depolarisation and building an inclusive political culture are also of priority importance.

President Michel praised the Georgian President’s personal commitment to advancing the European perspective of Georgia. The role she played in terms of contributing to legislative scrutiny, exercising her right to pardon individuals, which has contributed to depolarisation, and her strong political focus on the EU-Georgia agenda were particularly appreciated.

President Michel reaffirmed the EU’s unwavering support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia within its international recognised borders. He stressed the EU remained committed to increasing Georgia’s resilience.

Source: Consilium Europa
