Home » Romania Maps Out Future Tender For 3GW Offshore Wind in Black Sea
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Romania Maps Out Future Tender For 3GW Offshore Wind in Black Sea

The Romanian government plans to develop 3GW of offshore wind capacity after its Ministry of Energy published a draft law which proposed legal guidelines for new offshore wind projects. 

The proposed legislation, subject to a 30-day consultation process, suggests rules to tender and award 3GW of offshore wind in the Romanian Black Sea and obligates the government to support successful applications with contracts for difference (CfD) agreements. 

The draft law notes that the country’s Black Sea region has a potential offshore wind capacity of 76GW. 

Romania’s energy network is currently dominated by fossil fuels, but the country is seeking to rapidly boost the contribution of renewables to more than a third of its energy mix by 2030. 

The draft law calls for the ministry to have the CfD scheme in place by the start of 2027 and to set the criteria for establishing successful offshore wind projects by July of that year. 

Several companies have already suggested an interest in offshore wind opportunities in the Romanian Black Sea, including German developer Wpd which previously said it was applying for rights to develop the planned 500MW Black Sea 1 and 1400MW Black Sea 2 projects. 

Romania has an installed wind capacity of 2.9GW, all of which is onshore according to Windpower Intelligence, the data and research division of Windpower Monthly. 

Source : Windpower Monthly
