Home » Tajikistan Will Increase the Production of Agricultural Products Due to Two Harvests Per Year
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Tajikistan Will Increase the Production of Agricultural Products Due to Two Harvests Per Year

According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Tajikistan, this year 605,483 hectares of land should be plowed in the republic, and as of the end of February 2023, the area of ​​sown fields is about 540 thousand hectares, or 90%. 

Of these, more than 176 thousand hectares are allocated for grain crops, 186 thousand hectares for cotton, approximately 283 thousand hectares for growing vegetables, melons and other crops.

“In 2023, Tajikistan plans to grow 1.6 million tons of grain, including 975 thousand tons of wheat. The cotton harvest is expected to be within 430 thousand tons. In addition, farmers have been tasked with producing more than 3.5 million tons of vegetables and melons. “, the ministry said.

This year, the areas under crops of onions and carrots have also been increased. The harvest of onions during the season should be 747 thousand tons, and carrots – more than 500 thousand tons.

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Thus, according to the agency, Tajikistan will not only meet the needs of the population in these products, but will also be able to export the surplus.

The annual demand for onions in the republic is estimated at 300,000 tons, and carrots – 250,000 tons.

Also, by increasing the yield from 1 hectare, it is planned to increase the volume of potato production to 1,172 tons.

At a regular meeting of the government, the head of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, instructed the agricultural sector to increase re-sowing in order to obtain 2-3 crops, rationally use household plots, and make an adequate supply of agricultural products, especially onions, potatoes and carrots. 

Earlier, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, Zavki Zavkizoda, reported that this year the country carried out repeated sowing of crops on an area of ​​more than 114,000 hectares, which is almost 9% more than last year.

In addition, according to the ministry, dekhkan farms are actively developing all-season production – in 2022, vegetable production in greenhouses increased by 25% and amounted to about 3 thousand tons. The total area of ​​industrial greenhouses in Tajikistan has reached 100 hectares. 

Source: Asia Plus
