Home » Developers Tried to Sell Greenbelt Properties Amid Ongoing Government Discussions, Ford Says
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Developers Tried to Sell Greenbelt Properties Amid Ongoing Government Discussions, Ford Says

Premier Doug Ford says he is considering placing two properties back into the Ontario Greenbelt after it was discovered that developers quietly listed the land for sale while government discussions were still ongoing.

The properties, located at 765 and 775 Kingston Road East in Ajax, Ont., were selected for extraction from the Greenbelt in 2022 and, at some point during the 30-day consultation process, listed for sale by developers, Ford said in a statement issued Tuesday morning.

”At no point was the intention to sell disclosed to the government’s facilitator during active and ongoing discussions,” Ford said in the statement.

In response, Ford said the government is exploring “every option available,” including putting the land back into the Greenbelt, which was created in 2005 to protect environmentally sensitive lands in the province.

“To the other property owners, you’re on notice: if you don’t meet our government’s conditions, including showing real progress by year end with a plan to get shovels in the ground by 2025, your land will go back into the Greenbelt,” the premier’s statement reads.

Source : CTV
